Cooper is two days from being 13 months, and today he had his very first dentist appointment. He has four teeth on the top and four teeth on the bottom. I think Cooper gets his teeth pretty quickly and maybe even a little early compared to others. The pediatric dentist thought Cooper was just a hoot. And, Cooper thought the dentist office was a hoot-very bright and colorful with lots of toys. An amazingly exciting dentist office. When Cooper laid back in my arms into the dentist's lap he suddenly was a little frightened and was unsure of what it was that we were looking at. He cried, but was a strong boy. He even got to visit the treasure chest when he was finished. The dentist said Cooper's teeth look wonderful, however, he said to be prepared for the two molars that are about to come in. Michael and I thought to ourself, yep, we figured-he's been drooling uncontrollably lately. Our little man keeps growing up so fast. It's hard to keep up. The small moments truly d...
Now, we have just a little MOORE added to our lives!