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Showing posts from June, 2015

Many Firsts While Camping

Undoubtedly, this is a camping trip that will go down in the books. Each day was packed with many fun and adventurous experiences.  After two days of packing the camper (you kids need a lot of extra "stuff"), we pulled out of our driveway and almost 8 hours later we finally arrived at Ridewau State Park. The drive down had some awesome moments and some other moments filled with tears. This was a long drive for both Rea and Cooper. This was the first long drive yet. Here in another couple of weeks we will be taking a much longer drive, this shall be interesting.  We met Grammy and Papa at the campground, they were thrilled to see the babes because they've been out of town for the past two weeks. More importantly, our little darlings were even more thrilled to see the wonderful Grammy and fun Papa. Together, we spent our days fishing at the upper and lower ponds. Cooper entered into his very first fishing derby where he won a certificate for the youngest boy who caught the ...