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Showing posts from January, 2013


A godmother is a special person and Cooper is lucky enough to be blessed with two godmothers. Both Jaclyn and Alayna said they would be delighted. Michael and I know that both of these lovely ladies will continue to teach, shape and nurture Cooper's growing faith. Cooper will be baptized on February 10th at 10:30 am. We look forward to the family attending this event in support of Cooper's first stepping stone in his journey of faith and love for Jesus Christ.

One Month

Our little man has already grown so much. It's hard to believe that he is one month old already. We have watched our son grow to experience so much already. Cooper is beginning to track with his eyes, following his mommy and daddy. We do love how Cooper just stares at us, learning our every last feature, learning how to mimic a smile, raise an eye brow or pucker up for a kiss. Mommy can't wait for her little guy to kiss her back and Daddy cannot wait for Cooper to captivate him with a stunning smile (while he's awake that is). We have been amazed since day one at this little guy's strength. He has been able to lift his head off our chest and hover there for awhile. He will now push himself with his legs to a standing position when you hold him and position his feet on the ground. We keep telling him that he is a hockey player in the making, so I suppose he knows that strength is a good thing! Cooper's one month check up came upon us much too quickly. Little did I ...