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Showing posts from May, 2012

Mother's Day: A Whole New Meaning!

A Mother's Love Fills the Air... Today... And Everyday! It's Sunday morning, I wake up excited because today the family gathers together at our house for Mother's Day. Nothing makes me more happy than having the family under one roof. The last time the family was together at our house was the day we announced we are pregnant. Mother's Day is a day dedicated to mothers all around the world—a time to celebrate a mother's loving heart, her tender touch, her ability to always say the right thing, and her amazing know how (a mother knows everything). Michael and I our blessed to be surrounded by the most magnificent mothers. I'm excited to say that I have BIG shoes to fill... I have a mother and a mother-in-law who are super heroes; although, I know that with the support of each of these wonderful, brilliant women, I will be the next generation super-hero mom. I have learned that LOVE conquers all and PATIENCE is key. Michael and I thank our wonderful moms. We l...

Second Visit...

It's that time again... Fridays are typically wonderful days, especially after very long weeks. School is winding down and our sixth graders are preparing for Outdoor Ed. and their fractured fairy tale plays, so to say the least the kids are a little rowdy—they are ready to be seventh graders. It's only been two weeks since our last visit to the doctors, but these two weeks sure felt like forever. After hearing Baby's heartbeat at the first appointment, Michael and I couldn't wait to hear that beautiful, magical sound again! Michael sat waiting for me in the school parking lot with a smile on his face as I walked out the two back doors of Fox Creek. I opened the car door and was greeted by the most amazing husband and soon to be most magnificent father. Together, we headed down the road to the opposite side of Highlands Ranch to visit our doctor again. As Michael parked, we took a big breath—this was it—we get to see Baby for the second time. After checking in at ...