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Second Visit...

It's that time again...

Fridays are typically wonderful days, especially after very long weeks. School is winding down and our sixth graders are preparing for Outdoor Ed. and their fractured fairy tale plays, so to say the least the kids are a little rowdy—they are ready to be seventh graders. It's only been two weeks since our last visit to the doctors, but these two weeks sure felt like forever. After hearing Baby's heartbeat at the first appointment, Michael and I couldn't wait to hear that beautiful, magical sound again!

Michael sat waiting for me in the school parking lot with a smile on his face as I walked out the two back doors of Fox Creek. I opened the car door and was greeted by the most amazing husband and soon to be most magnificent father. Together, we headed down the road to the opposite side of Highlands Ranch to visit our doctor again. As Michael parked, we took a big breath—this was it—we get to see Baby for the second time.

After checking in at the front desk, we headed up the tiled steps and found the same two chairs we sat in during our first appointment in the waiting room unoccupied. We routinely sat down as if we have done this a thousand times before. We sat anxiously waiting, watching two younger children play on the dangerous steps—my heart rate rose immediately. Fortunately, there was a nurse who came to the rescue, taking the children back downstairs to their mother.

Soon after, we were called back to begin our Ultrasound. With smiles on our faces, we closed our eyes waiting to hear the heartbeat of Baby. As we opened our eyes, we experienced something that we were not expecting, something that took our breath away. Another amazing little miracle. Baby was full of energy today, Baby danced and moved waving his/her arms and flapping his/her legs. I think we have a little athlete on our hands if you ask us. It was truly a miracle to see something so beautiful. Clearly, we were able to make out all of Baby's little body parts... except the sex, it's still too early!

Baby is healthy and active! Together, Mommy and Daddy walked out of the office again with a new memory thanks to our little loved one. Thanks Baby for making our life so thrilling already. You're amazing in every single way. We love you!


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