A Mother's Love Fills the Air... Today... And Everyday!

Mother's Day is a day dedicated to mothers all around the world—a time to celebrate a mother's loving heart, her tender touch, her ability to always say the right thing, and her amazing know how (a mother knows everything). Michael and I our blessed to be surrounded by the most magnificent mothers. I'm excited to say that I have BIG shoes to fill... I have a mother and a mother-in-law who are super heroes; although, I know that with the support of each of these wonderful, brilliant women, I will be the next generation super-hero mom. I have learned that LOVE conquers all and PATIENCE is key. Michael and I thank our wonderful moms. We love you dearly.
The family arrived about 11:00 Sunday morning for a delectable brunch. We baked and served egg casseroles and quiches for everyone with a side of fruit and a cinnamon roll for those with a sweet tooth. We sat around the table and the moms shared stories of their pregnancies. It was so lovely to hear these stories, the stories presented us with laughable moments and moments that warmed our hearts. After we finished eating, we passed out gifts. My bodied tingled when gifts poured in for me, the mom-to-be. Maternity clothes, baby toys and a shadow box filled with new memories for Baby's room. I have the most thoughtful family around. Thanks for being wonderful mothers and making my first Mother's Day so joyful.
After everyone left, the doorbell rang—a flower delivery. I opened the card and I read the most beautiful words. The best gift Michael could have given me on this special day was a gift from our little loved one. I have the world's BEST husband, so thoughtful and kind. Baby: you're lucky to have him in your life—you'll learn amazing life lessons from him.
I love you Michael Ryan!
A quote I find to be very inspiring and so true. Thanks Ms. Morrison for your invigorating words of wisdom!
"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get
bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it
don't mean a thing." -Toni Morrison, Beloved
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