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Showing posts from May, 2020

Story Jar Questions #1: Historic Event

Great Grandma gave us a Story Jar... The point of the story jar is to tell the stories of your life, and record them for all to remember. How fun - let's start documenting. Question : Can you remember a historic event that happened when you were in school? Who told you about it? Dad : I was driving to school and on the radio I heard about 9-1-1. Cooper : We are living history right now because COVID-19 is happening as we speak. I remember hearing about it when our family went to the public library. Mom or Dad told me about it. We then had to do school at home for a couple of months. Mom : I remember two events in history from when I was in school. First, I remember when 9-1-1 happened. My friends and I were driving to school and we were listening to Alice 105.9, and they had been saying that an airplane had just flown into a building in New York. At the time, I didn't know that it was a terrorist  attack. Then, I got to school and I was a teacher aide in a Fren...

Ending School with COVID-19 (2019/2020)

I know... it's been a long time since I wrote last! I hope to be better about this because you guys are growing up so quickly! We are nearing the end of a really interesting year. Cooper, you are in first grade, and Reagan, you are in kindergarten. You both have blossomed so much and I am so proud of you. COVID-19 Face Mask (we had to wear them everywhere we went outside the house) Reagan , you have grown your kindness muscle so much this year. You are a friend to all. Your heart is so big and cares so deeply for others. You have become this beautiful reader this year. I love how you have persevered and enjoy reading to yourself before you go to bed at night. You have found such great joy in reading Dr. Seuss books and Elephant and Piggy books too. You are able to do this because you have really persevered in studying your sight words. Thanks for being such a wonderful leader in school, at home and at Taekwondo (purple belt, go girl!). I know that we are ending your first...