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Ending School with COVID-19 (2019/2020)

I know... it's been a long time since I wrote last! I hope to be better about this because you guys are growing up so quickly!

We are nearing the end of a really interesting year. Cooper, you are in first grade, and Reagan, you are in kindergarten. You both have blossomed so much and I am so proud of you.

COVID-19 Face Mask
(we had to wear them everywhere
we went outside the house)
Reagan, you have grown your kindness muscle so much this year. You are a friend to all. Your heart is so big and cares so deeply for others. You have become this beautiful reader this year. I love how you have persevered and enjoy reading to yourself before you go to bed at night. You have found such great joy in reading Dr. Seuss books and Elephant and Piggy books too. You are able to do this because you have really persevered in studying your sight words. Thanks for being such a wonderful leader in school, at home and at Taekwondo (purple belt, go girl!). I know that we are ending your first full year of school with remote learning because of COVID-19, but it has been so fun watching you grow over the past two months. I know that God knew that I would LOVE this time with you. During this time, you have grown as a writer. My favorite part of our days together are the many hugs you give just because that is who you are. I am really proud of the drawing you did on your owl, it certainly was impressive. Reagan, I admire you so much for your confidence, your kind heart, and your pure joy. You just love life, and I just love you so much!

Final Draft of Your Owl Drawing
Final Draft of Your Riddle

Your Own Bee Costume, Created by YOU!
Family Game Night, Eye Spy Disney
Cooper, you have really become a boy this year. You blossomed from a tiny person to a true boy! I am so proud of you and the habits of character you display at school. You are kind, compassionate, and respectful. You have a sensitive heart because you care for others. You know right from wrong, and want to do what is right. You continue to become such a wonderful reader, this has always been a strength of yours. This year though, you really grew as a mathematician. I am so proud of you for your hard work! I can tell you are listening in school. I have watched you grow, and one of the many things that stays constant is your love for your sister. You take care of her, you love her, and you are a friend to her. Thank you for being such a wonderful big brother. Your sister is so lucky to have you! I am grateful for your big heart. I have enjoyed these last two months of school with your during COVID-19 remote learning. Sitting next to you everyday at the dining room table is something truly special. During these past two months you have really developed much stronger writing skills, and your handwriting is really becoming beautiful! You have developed a passion for how to drawings from You Tube and you are very good. I have also enjoyed your passion for Dude Perfect! Cooper, I admire your big heart, it is a beautiful thing. I have enjoyed learning from you all that you have soaked in about bees while in remote learning. You are the definition of love. I love you so very much!

Everyday We Would Walk Around the Neighborhood,
You Choose to Bike Ride or Scooter!
Both of you, my children, are working on cleaning up after yourselves. This has caused some tension at home. I am confident that you will get it and understand the importance of clean spaces and taking care of your belongings. You will figure it out! I will say that I am grateful for the work you contribute to our sweet home. You two collaborate so well in putting the dishes away from the dishwasher, opening the blinds in the morning, making yourself breakfast, and getting started on school work. These are the small gestures that you are doing during quarantine that make me so proud! You two are very helpful!

I cannot wait to see what the summer has in store for us this year. I know that as long as we are together it will be a great one! I'm glad I get to do this crazy quarantine with you!


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