Great Grandma gave us a Story Jar...
The point of the story jar is to tell the stories of your life, and record them for all to remember. How fun - let's start documenting.
Question: Can you remember a historic event that happened when you were in school? Who told you about it?
Dad: I was driving to school and on the radio I heard about 9-1-1.
Cooper: We are living history right now because COVID-19 is happening as we speak. I remember hearing about it when our family went to the public library. Mom or Dad told me about it. We then had to do school at home for a couple of months.
Mom: I remember two events in history from when I was in school. First, I remember when 9-1-1 happened. My friends and I were driving to school and we were listening to Alice 105.9, and they had been saying that an airplane had just flown into a building in New York. At the time, I didn't know that it was a terrorist attack. Then, I got to school and I was a teacher aide in a French class, and I was in the teacher's office listening the the news, and a second plane had crashed into the second Twin Tower. At this point, they were shutting down the entire East coast and all flights! I was worried about how my Dad was going to get home from his business trip because he was in Florida. He actually had to rent a car and drive ALL the way home. It was so good to see him when he got home.
I also remember when the events of Columbine happened. It was the end of the day, and many rumors were flying through the hallway about what had happened. It wasn't until I was on the golf course after school with the gold team that I realized what had actually happened. When I got home that night, my mom and dad were so sad. We spent some of the night watching the news and just trying to understand. One of the boys who was killed went to church with us. The sadness of this event didn't leave for a long time.
The point of the story jar is to tell the stories of your life, and record them for all to remember. How fun - let's start documenting.
Question: Can you remember a historic event that happened when you were in school? Who told you about it?
Dad: I was driving to school and on the radio I heard about 9-1-1.
Mom: I remember two events in history from when I was in school. First, I remember when 9-1-1 happened. My friends and I were driving to school and we were listening to Alice 105.9, and they had been saying that an airplane had just flown into a building in New York. At the time, I didn't know that it was a terrorist attack. Then, I got to school and I was a teacher aide in a French class, and I was in the teacher's office listening the the news, and a second plane had crashed into the second Twin Tower. At this point, they were shutting down the entire East coast and all flights! I was worried about how my Dad was going to get home from his business trip because he was in Florida. He actually had to rent a car and drive ALL the way home. It was so good to see him when he got home.
I also remember when the events of Columbine happened. It was the end of the day, and many rumors were flying through the hallway about what had happened. It wasn't until I was on the golf course after school with the gold team that I realized what had actually happened. When I got home that night, my mom and dad were so sad. We spent some of the night watching the news and just trying to understand. One of the boys who was killed went to church with us. The sadness of this event didn't leave for a long time.
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