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The Beginning of a New Chapter...

We always knew this day would be nothing less than beautiful and amazing (our own fairy tale) - and after a two hour appointment, our first of the pregnancy, we were able to witness a true miracle growing inside of me (the start of the most magnificent fairy tale ever to be told). A miracle created by the most elated and delighted parents... how lucky and blessed are we.

At a mere eight weeks old, our little miracle had a strong and healthy heart beat ranging from about 134 to 150 beats per minute, fast but completely normal. When I first heard a heart beating on the monitor, I had to ask if it was mine—I felt like my heart was beating as fast and in sync with our little one. What a rush to experience this true joy for the first time. Emotions filled the two of us like a rainbow fills the sky after rain as we realized what our future holds; together, we will grow as a family of three—Baby, Mommy and Daddy! Suddenly, the cold, sterile room was filled with the warmth of our hearts. Nothing in our lives to date has been more inspiring and invigorating, it's truly amazing how one little being can bring two people closer together than ever.

Walking out of doctor's office, hand-in-hand with Daddy-to-be, we shared a moment of silence; our smiles spoke louder than words. It was Wednesday, April 25th that changed our lives forever, a day which will never be forgotten. In just a short few months, we will welcome Baby into our home. December 5, 2012 may be the day that our lives change forever.

Daddy and Mommy love you precious little Baby!

The yoke sac has broken away from the fetus.
Below the yoke sac the baby continues to grow with every beat of his/her heart.
So beautiful!


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