Michael and I have been waiting for this day to come. It was Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at 7:30 in the morning when my Clear Blue pregnancy test read "Pregnant," and no, it was not an April Fool's day joke. It was the real thing!
Michael returned home early in the morning, about 6:55 from being at station three for the past 48 hours. As usual, when Michael returns home after being at work, he comes up stairs, gets the dogs and lets them into the back yard. Bella is usually her out of control self, extremely excited in the morning, not to see Michael, but to see Gabby who sleeps in the closet. Michael lets Gabby out of her bedroom, and Bella could not contain herself, it's like she has never seen or met Gabby, ever! And believe it or not, it's the same thing every morning with that dog, maybe she has separation anxiety. After letting the dogs outside on this cold and snowy morning (the snow that came out of nowhere—where the day before in Colorado it was 80 and the next 40) Michael moseys upstairs and crawls into bed cuddling up next to me. Normally, I can fall back asleep next to him, but not this morning. I had something else on my mind—I was late. I wanted to take a pregnancy test that morning to confirm what I had been feeling for the past couple of weeks (Both Michael and I just knew March was going to be our month), to confirm that we were pregnant. I managed to lay in bed for about 20 minutes with Michael before jumping out of bed with much enthusiasm. As I anxiously waited in the bathroom for the right words to appear on my pregnancy test, the words that would change our life forever, I was filled with excitement and emotions of all kinds. Then, it appeared...Michael was already fast asleep by this time, he was tired, but I didn't care—I woke him up screaming and dancing... I showed him my blue and white stick, his eyes adjusting, and while coming into focus he could make out the words we have been looking forward to reading for many months now. After letting this news sink in for a hair of a second, Michael sat up from his pillow and looked at me and he said, "Really...?" and he smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. There he is, my wonderful husband, a future father, filled with so much joy it made my heart beat just a little bit faster. Then, after a short pause, Michael says to me, "What are you doing with that thing, it's not clean, and it's in my bed." It's okay that he didn't say something a little more romantic, I saw it in his eyes—he was ecstatic, he was going to be a daddy.
This is one of my favorite TV shows ever... thanks Mom for introducing I Love Lucy to me. This episode has always been a tear-jerker for me, and it made me smile again as I watched it with new eyes and listened with new ears.
We're Having a Baby, My Baby and Me
The very next day, I called my doctor to set up my first prenatal appointment, April 25th at 2:30 in the afternoon. The nurse told me that our first appointment will be a long one... that's okay—Michael and I are so excited. Now, it's the hard part, waiting until this appointment so we can tell our family who are so near and dear to us. We want these next few weeks to be just about us and our new little family, then we can spill ALL the beans. I know that everyone is going to be so excited, happy for us and our new little family of three! April is a very busy month and I'm not sure how we will fit in our news; I want it to be special. Michael and I have already determined how we want to tell our families—it's a surprise and we're sure excited about it.
Now, we must practice patience, patience to share this news that will allow everyone to jump aboard our grand adventure—our life, our story!
Michael returned home early in the morning, about 6:55 from being at station three for the past 48 hours. As usual, when Michael returns home after being at work, he comes up stairs, gets the dogs and lets them into the back yard. Bella is usually her out of control self, extremely excited in the morning, not to see Michael, but to see Gabby who sleeps in the closet. Michael lets Gabby out of her bedroom, and Bella could not contain herself, it's like she has never seen or met Gabby, ever! And believe it or not, it's the same thing every morning with that dog, maybe she has separation anxiety. After letting the dogs outside on this cold and snowy morning (the snow that came out of nowhere—where the day before in Colorado it was 80 and the next 40) Michael moseys upstairs and crawls into bed cuddling up next to me. Normally, I can fall back asleep next to him, but not this morning. I had something else on my mind—I was late. I wanted to take a pregnancy test that morning to confirm what I had been feeling for the past couple of weeks (Both Michael and I just knew March was going to be our month), to confirm that we were pregnant. I managed to lay in bed for about 20 minutes with Michael before jumping out of bed with much enthusiasm. As I anxiously waited in the bathroom for the right words to appear on my pregnancy test, the words that would change our life forever, I was filled with excitement and emotions of all kinds. Then, it appeared...Michael was already fast asleep by this time, he was tired, but I didn't care—I woke him up screaming and dancing... I showed him my blue and white stick, his eyes adjusting, and while coming into focus he could make out the words we have been looking forward to reading for many months now. After letting this news sink in for a hair of a second, Michael sat up from his pillow and looked at me and he said, "Really...?" and he smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen. There he is, my wonderful husband, a future father, filled with so much joy it made my heart beat just a little bit faster. Then, after a short pause, Michael says to me, "What are you doing with that thing, it's not clean, and it's in my bed." It's okay that he didn't say something a little more romantic, I saw it in his eyes—he was ecstatic, he was going to be a daddy.
This is one of my favorite TV shows ever... thanks Mom for introducing I Love Lucy to me. This episode has always been a tear-jerker for me, and it made me smile again as I watched it with new eyes and listened with new ears.
Read the words, they're delightful:
We're Having a Baby, My Baby and Me
We're having a baby, my baby and me
You'll read it in Winchell
That we're adding a limb to our family tree
While pushing that carriage
How proud I will be
There's nothing like marriage
Ask your father and mother and they'll agree
He'll have toys, baby clothes
He'll know he's come to the right house
By and by, when he grows
Maybe he'll live in the White House
Our future looks brighter
But definitely
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
My baby and me
You'll read it in Winchell
That we're adding a limb to our family tree
While pushing that carriage
How proud I will be
There's nothing like marriage
Ask your father and mother and they'll agree
He'll have toys, baby clothes
He'll know he's come to the right house
By and by, when he grows
Maybe he'll live in the White House
Our future looks brighter
But definitely
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
We're having a baby
My baby and me
The very next day, I called my doctor to set up my first prenatal appointment, April 25th at 2:30 in the afternoon. The nurse told me that our first appointment will be a long one... that's okay—Michael and I are so excited. Now, it's the hard part, waiting until this appointment so we can tell our family who are so near and dear to us. We want these next few weeks to be just about us and our new little family, then we can spill ALL the beans. I know that everyone is going to be so excited, happy for us and our new little family of three! April is a very busy month and I'm not sure how we will fit in our news; I want it to be special. Michael and I have already determined how we want to tell our families—it's a surprise and we're sure excited about it.
Now, we must practice patience, patience to share this news that will allow everyone to jump aboard our grand adventure—our life, our story!
"Patience is the ability to count down before you blast off." Author Unknown
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