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Showing posts from 2012

A Dad is...

Facebook is great for many reasons... Today, I read on someone's post, a quote, and it made my heart flutter for two reasons. My dad was my first love, and my hero — and now Michael is my love and also a strong hero in my world. Now, these two men will forever make their own imprint on Baby's life and world. Baby has many great men in his/her life, what a lucky Baby! "A dad is a son's first hero and a daughter's first love." - Michael is so much more, but I think these words are very moving, they made an impact on my heart and me. Michael is a hero to more people than he truly realizes. He makes his own imprint on family's and friend's hearts. We spent the day at Grandma's house as she continues to recover and rest from her ailments. We helped clean out her kitchen pantry and then cooked dinner. Again, we gather around the table and share wonderful stories—how I love and cherish these moments. Michael sits next to me and rubs my hand and h...

Mother's Day: A Whole New Meaning!

A Mother's Love Fills the Air... Today... And Everyday! It's Sunday morning, I wake up excited because today the family gathers together at our house for Mother's Day. Nothing makes me more happy than having the family under one roof. The last time the family was together at our house was the day we announced we are pregnant. Mother's Day is a day dedicated to mothers all around the world—a time to celebrate a mother's loving heart, her tender touch, her ability to always say the right thing, and her amazing know how (a mother knows everything). Michael and I our blessed to be surrounded by the most magnificent mothers. I'm excited to say that I have BIG shoes to fill... I have a mother and a mother-in-law who are super heroes; although, I know that with the support of each of these wonderful, brilliant women, I will be the next generation super-hero mom. I have learned that LOVE conquers all and PATIENCE is key. Michael and I thank our wonderful moms. We l...

Second Visit...

It's that time again... Fridays are typically wonderful days, especially after very long weeks. School is winding down and our sixth graders are preparing for Outdoor Ed. and their fractured fairy tale plays, so to say the least the kids are a little rowdy—they are ready to be seventh graders. It's only been two weeks since our last visit to the doctors, but these two weeks sure felt like forever. After hearing Baby's heartbeat at the first appointment, Michael and I couldn't wait to hear that beautiful, magical sound again! Michael sat waiting for me in the school parking lot with a smile on his face as I walked out the two back doors of Fox Creek. I opened the car door and was greeted by the most amazing husband and soon to be most magnificent father. Together, we headed down the road to the opposite side of Highlands Ranch to visit our doctor again. As Michael parked, we took a big breath—this was it—we get to see Baby for the second time. After checking in at ...

Surprise, We're Having A Baby!

Another exciting day awaited us, just three short days after our first appointment. Today, was the day we had prepared to share our fabulous news with the most special people in our lives. Not only was it Announcement Day, but it was the last day of Michael's six week Lieutenant's class. A special reason to gather the family together to celebrate such a wonderful man and all of his accomplishments (Daddy's preparing for his future, the future that will give Baby everything he/she needs). As moms, dads, sisters and grandparents walked through our front door each individual greeted Michael with kind words of love. Little did they know what news and invigorating words they would hear from us later in the evening. Words that would fill their ears with much joy and anticipation. Although our meal for the big day was a simple meal, hamburgers and bratwurst, it was a great excuse for Michael to purchase a new grill.  A few days before, we spent a full day shopping for...

The Beginning of a New Chapter...

We always knew this day would be nothing less than beautiful and amazing (our own fairy tale) - and after a two hour appointment, our first of the pregnancy, we were able to witness a true miracle growing inside of me (the start of the most magnificent fairy tale ever to be told). A miracle created by the most elated and delighted parents... how lucky and blessed are we. At a mere eight weeks old, our little miracle had a strong and healthy heart beat ranging from about 134 to 150 beats per minute, fast but completely normal. When I first heard a heart beating on the monitor, I had to ask if it was mine—I felt like my heart was beating as fast and in sync with our little one. What a rush to experience this true joy for the first time. Emotions filled the two of us like a rainbow fills the sky after rain as we realized what our future holds; together, we will grow as a family of three—Baby, Mommy and Daddy! Suddenly, the cold, sterile room was filled with the warmth of our hearts. Not...

Baby, You've Got a Friend in Me! Love, Gabby

It truly is both funny and amazing how dogs can sense a pregnancy. I undoubtedly think that Gabby already knows that I am pregnant; although, I think she thinks Baby will be HER baby. A relaxing Wednesday at home during my spring break, just the dogs and me while Michael was taking a psych test for his Lieutenant's class. When Michael returned home, he told me about his test which took far less time then both him and I were expecting. This crazy test was something like 800 questions and a short interview. I think this long of a test would make anyone a psychotic mess. Michael said that the interview only lasted about five minutes because many of the questions were centered around drinking... crazy! After debriefing with me, Michael wanted to go change out of his fancy clothes into something a little more casual. Meanwhile, he is calling Gabby to go with him upstairs... but, I call back to Gabby as I am sprawled out on the floor next to the sofa covered with a blanket, "Sta...

We're Having a Baby, My Baby and Me

Michael and I have been waiting for this day to come. It was Sunday, April 1st, 2012 at 7:30 in the morning when my Clear Blue pregnancy test read "Pregnant," and no, it was not an April Fool's day joke. It was the real thing! Michael returned home early in the morning, about 6:55 from being at station three for the past 48 hours. As usual, when Michael returns home after being at work, he comes up stairs, gets the dogs and lets them into the back yard. Bella is usually her out of control self, extremely excited in the morning, not to see Michael, but to see Gabby who sleeps in the closet. Michael lets Gabby out of her bedroom, and Bella could not contain herself, it's like she has never seen or met Gabby, ever! And believe it or not, it's the same thing every morning with that dog, maybe she has separation anxiety. After letting the dogs outside on this cold and snowy morning (the snow that came out of nowhere—where the day before in Colorado it was 80 and the ...